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Shining the Light on our Coaching Industry by Exploring its Shadow

  • Watch as coaches, scholars, leaders, educators, and professional bodies reflect coaching in novel ways you cannot access elsewhere
  • Support social impact through coaching by donating to this documentary
  • Improve your coaching skills by exploring the positive and the negative side of the industry
  • Make a contribution to democratizing coaching 
  • Earn 10 ICF CCEUs (Continuous Coach Education Units)

Who are the contributors involved?

The first ever documentary on coaching: How come no one is addressing the two sides of the coin?

As a coach, you know the impact that being able to bring out the best in others can have. You know what it can do for an organization. But how much do you really know about the coaching industry? What are not just trends but undercurrents and how come? What do your colleagues struggle with in their practice and business? Have you ever wondered if there’s anything else that we can do to make coaching even more powerful as a growth tool?

With the documentary on The Light and Shadow of Coaching, you’ll not only have an opportunity to gain some in-depth understanding about the coaching industry, but you’ll get to improve your own coaching skills and contribute to an awesome social impact cause through coaching at the same time!

The documentary explores the latest coaching trends. Most importantly, it explores what drives those trends, unfolds some additional benefits and unaddressed limitations of coaching – in organizational and leadership as well as new work settings and beyond.

This documentary received the Ellen Shub Coaching for Social Good Award from Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, a Harvard Affiliate.

This documentary received the Ellen Shub Coaching for Social Good Award from Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, a Harvard Affiliate. ⋆

This is purely a non-for-profit venture... Your donations will be used to fund a program that will train 66,000 women in Kenya to be coaches.

In a collaborative effort with MaMa Organization, our aim is to set up a comprehensive and multi-level coach training program for women to support them in becoming more entrepreneurial in their communities.

This social impact project is about women’s longevity in Kenya. It is about driving social impact through coaching and training women to be coaches themselves. This is a unique framework we offer for how to democratize coaching. With your donations, we will put in place the coach training that is required to reach roughly 66,000 women – women at MaMa who want to engage in life more sustainably and in a more dignified way than they feel they are now.

By donating, you'll get:

  • Access to The Light and Shadow of Coaching Documentary
  • Donors Certificate
  • Roadmap and Project Updates
  • Opportunity to be on our podcast show
  • 10 ICF CCEUs
  • Private Contributors And Donors Community

Who's behind this social impact initiative and what's the story behind it?

Project Roadmap

Purpose of coach training: For women at Mama to become more entrepreneurial (those that receive training will then coach other women in their organization and/or their communities)

Current Progress

January 2023: Start of the pilot project in Kenya.

Take a sneak peek of the documentary here...

Here's everything you'll get when you donate!

Access to The Light and Shadow of Coaching Documentary

Learn how to master the art of working with the light and shadow of coaching while making a HUGE social impact in our coaching community

Donors Certificate

This is us showing our appreciation and gratitude while giving you the opportunity of giving more support by simply sharing this to your network

Roadmap and Project Updates

Get the latest details about this non-for-profit project and actually see your donations making a change

Opportunity to be on our podcast show

Be our guest in one of our episodes and make a point of why social impact matters to you in coaching. Give your impact a clear voice!


As you explore the themes discussed in the three parts of the documentary, you'll avail yourself of 10 ICF CCEUs (Continuous Coach Education Units). Enjoy your learning!

Private Contributors And Donors Community

Network with the experts in the documentary and fellow donors. Ask, learn and discuss anything about the coaching industry

Watch and Learn

The documentary has been accredited with 10 CCEUs by ICF. Watch the three-part documentary and come on our podcast show about the documentary to receive your CCEUs.

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